Write us!

Contact us to have direct support from this webpage, or directly from the application.


Hi, my name is Leonardo Echenique, I'm founder of Software de Arte. Please, feel free to write your comments, suggestion, questions, or anything that you like. Your participation always helps to make the application better.

You can contact me directly inside the applicaiton forum in Mac, iPad & iPhone versions, or writing here, or by email, or in Facebook. Keep in mind that if you have an email filter it's possible that you will not receve my answer. If this happend, try writing in the forum or in the Facebook page.


Frequently Asked questions

How many pieces of clothing can I handle with Dress Assistant?

The application was designed to optimize database and images utilization, so there is virtually no limit. Typically a user has some hundreds or a thousand items.

Which is the best way to photograph my clothing?

The recommended way is using a white background.

Can I sync my Mac version with my iPad/iPhone version

Yes, you can create iCloud Snapshots than can be uploaded and downloaded to your iCloud account.

Can I sync my PC version with my iPad/iPhone version

No, iCloud Snapshots is available only for products purchased on the App Store or the Mac App Store.

Can I sync between my Macs.?

Yes, use iCloud Snapshots.

May I use "On Web"?

"No, On Web is no longer supported. Use iCloud Snapshots to sync between your Apple devices.

I have a license for version 5 will I have a free update to version 6.0?

Yes. The free update will be available soon.

Dress Assistant is developed by Software de Arte, a division of Ediciones Fugaz Antorcha.
Av. Santa Fe 1159 7L (C1059ABF) Buenos Aires Argentina